Kara-Moon Forum

General & News => Hello/Intro Area => Topic started by: isle3music on July 01, 2010, 04:01:31 PM

Title: Hello
Post by: isle3music on July 01, 2010, 04:01:31 PM
Just joined today,been hangin over at KVR for a while so thought I'd also join you guys here.
I recognize some of you so I know I'm in good company!!! ;D

Title: Re: Hello
Post by: offthewall on July 01, 2010, 05:18:49 PM
Welcome to the best kept secret on the internet.  :-X

You won't find a more friendly place.
Bring us some music, let us hear what you are about, and join in with our little global family.  8)


Title: Re: Hello
Post by: folderol on July 01, 2010, 05:33:53 PM
... and a welcome from me too. Always nice to see new faces.
(not that there's anything wrong with the old ones)  :D

Title: Re: Hello
Post by: kara on July 01, 2010, 09:15:33 PM
Hi & welcome here !
If you like music, you'll be at home here pretty fast


Title: Re: Hello
Post by: Oren on July 02, 2010, 07:37:26 AM

...Welcome to the best kept secret on the internet.  :-X

You won't find a more friendly place.
Bring us some music, let us hear what you are about, and join in with our little global family...

Get ready for an outstanding experience in home-grown music... ;D

Title: Re: Hello
Post by: impablomations on July 02, 2010, 05:44:28 PM
Welcome to the family Rui  :-

This is possibly the friendliest group of guys I have met on the internet.  No inflated Egos, no prima donnas, just like minded people who love music.  Any music crit is always constructive and well meant, I love this place.

Welcome again :)