Kara-Moon Forum

Music Auditorium => General => Topic started by: Daniel Pompougnac on July 30, 2007, 10:34:03 PM

Title: Estuary... and racism
Post by: Daniel Pompougnac on July 30, 2007, 10:34:03 PM
I was seated in the grass. In front of me : the estuary, in Gironde. Nice colors.
And I thought.
Yesterday, I've listened a woman narrate a joke about jews people. One more.
Now, I don't like these jokes. And I say it.
This woman says "You haven't humour, Daniel. Do you know, I can narrate jokes about jews, arabian or handicapped people, but I like jews, arabian or handicapped people ! In my heart, I'm clean, I respect them !"
Yes. I'm not sure.
All these jokes are strange, glaucous. But people like these jokes. They say that is laugh for survive.
There's a lot of jokes about minorities. Always minorities.
We must learn empathy.

My musical piece is a piece for two clarinets and two pianos. It's called " Estuaire ".
The instruments are my thoughts about intolerance. Or about jokes of "clean" people.
... or click on the picture.

(http://www.pompougnac-daniel.com/08images/urls/estuaire.jpg) (http://www.pompougnac-daniel.com/06telech/mamusic/songs/estuaire.mp3)

En français : les blagues sur les minorités me gavent. Vraiment. Ça dérape.
Plein de types "sympas", cools, pas fachos pour deux sous ne se rendent plus compte qu'ils en mettent plein la tête à d'autres sous prétexte d'humour au huitième degré. Sont pas racistes, n'est-ce pas, puisque c'est du 8ème degré.
Juifs, arabes, handicapés, comme c'est bizarre, ce sont toujours les minorités qui morflent... Nous devons apprendre l'empathie, je crois.
C'était ma colère du moment. Pardon. Mais non, pas pardon.
Morceau composé devant l'estuaire en pensant à tout ça.

(http://www.pompougnac-daniel.com/08images/urls/signature.jpg) (http://www.pompougnac-daniel.com)

Title: Re: Estuary... and racism
Post by: kara on July 31, 2007, 07:27:59 AM
A great musical piece Daniel
Strong composition and a lot feeling in it.
Top quality, thanks for sharing it here.
Someone should sing on top of this....


Title: Re: Estuary... and racism
Post by: ziyben on August 02, 2007, 06:31:39 PM
Minorities also tell ethnic jokes but it does not make it right. If we could make ethnic jokers to listen to your beautiful music maybe we could take the "mechant" out of them.Give us more compositions please so that we can do just that. Estuary is headed for my next classical music CD.Thank you.

Title: Re: Estuary... and racism
Post by: Daniel Pompougnac on August 02, 2007, 09:49:29 PM
Merci.  ;)