Kara-Moon Forum

Developers & Technology => Hardware => Topic started by: Moon on December 24, 2007, 12:18:46 PM

Title: Looking for a closed headphone...
Post by: Moon on December 24, 2007, 12:18:46 PM
Next to the mic, also a closed headphone is needed. Any recommendations ?

Again, not the most expensive ones, but good value for money please...


Title: Re: Looking for a closed headphone...
Post by: kara on December 24, 2007, 12:56:54 PM
On the of the best value for money that I know is the AKG K240 studio
It's half open, but very good quality
If you insist on a closed one look at the AKG K271 studio


Title: Re: Looking for a closed headphone...
Post by: rharv on December 24, 2007, 01:04:44 PM
I love my K240S headphones for editing and some other things. They expose tiny errors incredibly well. Great definition, but semi-open.

 For overall 'monitor' type sound that's closed (but leaves the option of spinning one cup to expose one ear so you can hear yourself sing) is the ATHm40fs.


I've been using these more and more. I should mention; these come with a 1/4" jack, so if you need to connect them to 1/8" you'll need to adapt.  I use a 6' cord that has 1/4" female at one end and 1/8" male at other end, rather than one of those big adapters that hang from the jack quite heavily.
 I've always thought the 'M' series headphones from A-T were a good value.  I have a couple M-30 and one M-20 set here for when guys forget to bring their own..
 as a side note- I always request guys to bring their own so they are familiar with the how they sound, helps get better tracks down...

Title: Re: Looking for a closed headphone...
Post by: Moon on December 24, 2007, 03:04:02 PM
Looks like the AKG 240S and AKG271S are both very good. The ATHM40fs is somewhat cheaper although not everybody seems convinced with the sound.

The AKG271S seems to be the most expensive one, but also the most convincing (based on reviews...)

Title: Re: Looking for a closed headphone...
Post by: rharv on December 24, 2007, 03:16:47 PM
The ATHm40fs do not sound big and pretty; they are flat...it takes some people by surprise.  There is no 'extreme bass enhancement!!' (some manufacturer's act like that's a feature)  and no treble adjustment either...you hear what you got.  Kinda like a set of flat studio monitors compared to a set of Bose speakers.  Big difference, but they serve different intended purposes.  I couldn't guarantee a mix/master done on Bose because of all the enhancement techniques involved. But a song played on a tiny mp3 player may sound better thru the Bose..
 So it depends on what you are looking for. I don't like enhanced sound in the studio..I need to know what I got.

I can tell you that, in one-on-one conversations with other users, they are well liked by people that use them for the intended purpose; good flat headphones for recording work.
 I personally like the semi-open design better, it gives my head a more open feel, but I do like the athm40fs.  I once posted a question about them at another forum (before buying) and every response was positive, some very enthusiastic, like 'I love them and prefer them over my $200 Sennheisers', etc.
   I almost didn't get them because of a couple user reviews, but am glad I did.
 Wish there was some way to have you hear them..or better yet, work with them for a few days.  It did take me a few days to adjust to them, but now I realize they are pretty dang true for headphones.

Title: Re: Looking for a closed headphone...
Post by: Moon on December 24, 2007, 03:39:26 PM
Rharv, so which one do you prefer for monitoring? The AKG or the ATHm40fs?

By the way: I have the Sennheiser HD580 Precession. I've got these many years ago in a sale-out. They are great, but not for monitoring purposes. They're also open, so uselless for voice recording...


Title: Re: Looking for a closed headphone...
Post by: rharv on December 24, 2007, 03:54:12 PM
Tough call. I use them for seperate things.  The AKG's seem to let me hear any little tick or click from an edit, or cut/paste...but I'd rather mix down with the m40fs.  My AKG's are semi-open, so for recording vocals the m40fs work better...but as I mentioned above- for long session use I like the way the semi-open design keeps my head open and clear...
   If I had to pick one right now I'd be torn.  Sorry I'm not more help there.

Title: Re: Looking for a closed headphone...
Post by: rharv on December 24, 2007, 03:58:34 PM
I started a thread at PGMusic (I know a few people there use them for sure)
 Check it a couple times for responses if you want..

Title: Re: Looking for a closed headphone...
Post by: Moon on December 25, 2007, 10:42:35 AM
Thanks rharv... will do so !


Title: Re: Looking for a closed headphone...
Post by: Wyatt on December 25, 2007, 01:05:13 PM

I'm ready for a new pair now  myself..my AT M2X just cr@pped out on me. I think they were rated 4-6 ohms impedance.

I notice that the ATH40fs are rated 60 ohms impedance..

My Klipsch speakers have a headphone jack. The speakers themselves are rated at 3 ohms impedance. Is that going to be a problem?



Title: Re: Looking for a closed headphone...
Post by: rharv on December 25, 2007, 01:40:09 PM
M2X=32ohms (according to Audio-Technica site)
I think you'll be fine..
I had to check ; 3 ohms didn't sound right.

The M20 and M50 are in the 32-40 ohm range if you're worried about it..

Title: Re: Looking for a closed headphone...
Post by: Wyatt on December 25, 2007, 05:49:24 PM
M2X=32ohms (according to Audio-Technica site)
I think you'll be fine..
I had to check ; 3 ohms didn't sound right.

The M20 and M50 are in the 32-40 ohm range if you're worried about it..


The 3 ohms is listed in the specs for my speakers..Mac pointed that out to me.  It does not make any specification for the headphone jack.

Does it matter at all what the impedance is, or do you just ignore that?

I do a lot of work from 3-6 in the morning..it would be nice to get a more honest set.


Title: Re: Looking for a closed headphone...
Post by: Wyatt on December 25, 2007, 06:23:10 PM
OK..nevermind..this explains it perfectly:


..and also another interesting article:



Title: Re: Looking for a closed headphone...
Post by: Moon on December 26, 2007, 10:12:10 AM
I've also find this interesting article: http://www.goodcans.com/HeadphoneReviews/recommendations.htm

Title: Re: Looking for a closed headphone...
Post by: rharv on December 26, 2007, 10:37:18 AM
Those 'AKG K240 studio' phones are the 'k240S' I mentioned..the 's' being for 'studio'. Glad to see they are on the short list.
 Excellent deal for the price.  Not sure how much longer you'll find them though. I notice they have stopped being advertised a short while ago.
Wonder why they didn't mention the replacable cord- one of the nice features.  The cord is actually a 1/8" mini jack at both ends, and it snaps into the headphones securely, and the 1/4" adapter screws on securely at the other end.

Just looked online- quite a few stores do not have them anymore, but they can be found for $99.

I snicker at some reviews here- like the guy that says these headphones make his ipod sound 'off'.  Maybe he's hearing the true mp3 quality for the first time!
 Another guy says you have to be careful with the cord; he drove over his and broke the actual jack!  That's funny..
 Another guy says he damaged his cord when he stuffed the headphones into a toolbox full of screwdrivers, etc.
 ..and they give the headphones a mediocre score because of it.
 Most of the guys that review it (and claim to do recording) give it 5 out of 5 stars..as would I.

Title: Re: Looking for a closed headphone...
Post by: Moon on December 26, 2007, 10:48:33 AM
Yes, the AKG240S is indeed an excellent choise, and this one keeps getting back in other articles as well:


This is a great article if you're interested in using headphones in the mixing studio (which is my case, since I mostly work in the studio after the kids have gone to bed...)

To my surprice, I've found the Sennheiser HD600 to be a very good choice. I've got the predecessor (HD580) which is almost as good. Though, to my feeling, this headphone is lacking to much at the low end.
But, as you read in the article, mixing on headphones is indeed much different as using speakers... so perhaps I allready own a very good headphone...

Still, the AKG240S seems to be a very strong candidate, so currently this one is on top of my shortlist...


Title: Re: Looking for a closed headphone...
Post by: Wyatt on December 29, 2007, 02:32:35 PM

 For overall 'monitor' type sound that's closed (but leaves the option of spinning one cup to expose one ear so you can hear yourself sing) is the ATHm40fs.

Just got a pair of these. Good call, thanks.
