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Music Auditorium => General => Topic started by: folderol on March 13, 2009, 10:10:58 PM

Title: Ethnic Sounds
Post by: folderol on March 13, 2009, 10:10:58 PM
For some time now I've wanted to get a sound like Pan Pipes with Zyn. and I think I've got really close, if not actually succeeded.

I've attached just a short snippet (which I hasten to add is really totally out of style) so I'd be interested in what people think of the sound itself.

Title: Re: Ethnic Sounds
Post by: Wyatt on March 14, 2009, 08:23:54 AM
I like the breathy sound you have crafted here..nice panning on the left hand, too.

I think you might find a lot of uses for this.  Pretty composition. More please.  :-



Title: Re: Ethnic Sounds
Post by: kara on March 14, 2009, 08:29:13 AM
Yes pretty close I would call it, perhaps a litle bit to much breath noise ?
If you are interested in physical modeling of instruments, you should read this :

The examples are for the nord modular, but the idea is general applicable.
Actually the whole book is pretty good !


Title: Re: Ethnic Sounds
Post by: elwoodblues1969 on March 14, 2009, 12:44:37 PM

Considering that you are working a free VST sound set,I'd say that this sound patch is quite usable & that you did a good tweaking job.
I wonder though....did you ever consider upgrading to Reason,or some similar commercial software?The Reason samples & tweakability are truly wonderful & a tremendous value.
Perhaps you might consider selling your Fusion to purchase said software?

It was just a thought....maybe your perfectly happy with what you have,but I've considered taking the same path as you,utilizing open source VST's,but I knew that for myself,I would have eventually plateaued with the limitations of such software.


Title: Re: Ethnic Sounds
Post by: folderol on March 14, 2009, 10:39:34 PM
Thanks for your comments guys.

I've been rather in the doldrums again musically. I will have to stir myself up a bit.

It's very difficult to work out how much breath is 'right', although on listening again I'm inclined to agree with you. Of course the ideal would be to have velocity or aftertouch sensitve levels, but that's a bit beyond me.

Because i work on a linux system (some strong idealogical reasons) there are many VSTi plugins that are not available. Also I'm easly confused by too much in the way of controls and effects that i don't really understand, so tend to stick to relatively few instruments and softsynths, but trying to learn to use them as well as possible.

A couple of times you've mentioned fusion. I don't have this. As a matter of interest my complete setup is:

Yamaha SY35
Yamaha QS300 (vary rarely used)
Yamaha TG33 (never used these days)
Roland Sopund Canvas (Mk1)

ZynAddSubFX (my main soiurce of sounds)
Hydrogen drum machine
Qsynth soundfont player
Timemachine (a great little minimalist recorder)
Rosegarden Sequencer

I run 64studio on a dual core athlon machine with a Maudio 2496 soundcard..

Title: Re: Ethnic Sounds
Post by: elwoodblues1969 on March 14, 2009, 11:53:32 PM
Somehow my head has been infected with the idea of you having a Fusion...so strange. ??? :P ;D

The Linux system sounds terribly restrictive-much more so than a Mac OS...so very odd. :o Makes me wonder what real purpose it serves for music production?

I'm not found of Microsoft either,nor Wal-Mart or most of corporate America,but their are some necessary evils in life & if I were to turn away & write off every company that rubs me the wrong way,I'd be living in the Stone Age! :-[ ;D


Title: Re: Ethnic Sounds
Post by: SoundKlops on March 17, 2009, 11:58:47 AM
Hi Will

In my opinion you should use not too much time on it the perfect sound to find. Music can make with simple things. I have heard about people they only used a guitar or a flute. Your ideas and your melodies makes your music alive, not the perfect software or hardware.


Title: Re: Ethnic Sounds
Post by: MarioD on March 18, 2009, 06:47:30 PM
Hi Will, I like this sound and I’m sure you will find many places to use it. 

You mentioned that velocity and aftertouch sensitive levels are a bit beyond you.  I’m not a sound programmer but could you have the pan flute sans the breath sound on one channel and the breath sound on another channel then via volume, either CC7 or CC11, add and subtract the amount of breath sound you want?  I don’t know.  It’s just an idea.

Thanx for sharing your expertise. 

Title: Re: Ethnic Sounds
Post by: folderol on March 18, 2009, 11:38:30 PM
Thanks again for your comments guys.

I had thought of a variation on what you suggest, but it is a bit complicated (isn't it always)

Basically, Zyn has three different sound generator methods. The one I used here starts off with white noise, and filters out everything except the frequencies you want. Normally, you then get a set of harmonically related tones that form the overall sound, but what I did was to expand the range of noise that is allowed through (increased bandwidth). This then fairly naturally produced a breathy sound, as breath sounds are mostly filtered noise.

Using this method means that the 'breath' is always pitch related to the actual note - indeed it is the note, which is exactly what would happen with real pipes. What I thought I needed to do for my 'second channel' was to duplicate this but with narrower bandwidth. Trouble is it doesn't seem to work  ::)

Title: Re: Ethnic Sounds
Post by: Laguna Rising on March 20, 2009, 01:10:01 PM
This is a good sound, and it could have application in a song. I agree with others it's a bit too 'breathy' to sound close to a real, natural instrument.
