Kara-Moon Forum

Developers & Technology => Hardware => Topic started by: Moon on May 31, 2008, 08:28:08 AM

Title: Greatest synths of today...
Post by: Moon on May 31, 2008, 08:28:08 AM
Everybody has it's own ideas on what the greatest synth is. Three of the greatest synths of today working together:


Virus TI
Nord Modular
Moog Little Phatty

You'll need a serious budget for these 3 babies though...


Title: Re: Greatest synths of today...
Post by: kara on May 31, 2008, 10:28:03 AM
You said it, not in everyones budget, but certainly a great choice !

Don't forget that Gianni, is well known as cover artist and as such has the knowledge to work with those :)


Title: Re: Greatest synths of today...
Post by: elwoodblues1969 on May 31, 2008, 03:54:55 PM

A fantastic video with a superb demonstration of those synths. 8)

I would love to have a Nord & a Virus,because they seem worth the money,but as for the Moog,I personally have no desire to pay extra for a true analogue synth.

I am such a huge fan of virtual hardware keyboards,because they do such an amazing job of replicating the old analogue signal path and accomplishing that at a significantly lower price is wonderful and that to me,is what constitutes a great synth. ;D
Furthermore,I am more of a fan of Kurzweil,because with the PC3 keyboard,I can replicate the sounds from all 3 of those synths for 1/3 the price of that guy's synth set up.
As to how well the Kurzweil can model those sounds remains to be seen,that is until I can get my hands on one,but a couple of other big selling points for me on the Kurzweil,is having all those sound generating possiblities in a workstation.

The Kurzweil will probably be a big learning curve for me,but I plan on challenging all those sounds of those synths,to see what the Kurzweil can really do! ;D

A Kurzweil has always been a most highly revered keyboard by me and I can now finally afford to own one and I am confident that once you hear all of Kurzweil's potential,this keyboard will take a place on your greatest synth list. :D


Title: Re: Greatest synths of today...
Post by: Moon on May 31, 2008, 06:41:31 PM
Furthermore,I am more of a fan of Kurzweil,because with the PC3 keyboard,I can replicate the sounds from all 3 of those synths for 1/3 the price of that guy's synth set up.

Hmmm... I fully agree with with you that the Kurzweil PC3 is a fantastic synth, but I seriously doubt that it can do what the Virus TI and Nord G2 can do. Don't forget, the Virus is a fantastic analogue synth and the Nord Modular G2 is a fantastic modular synth, and being modular it's giving you awfull lot's of possibilities. I think a very good setup would be the PC3 as workhorse... I mean workstation, togetger with a Nord Moduler G2 and the Virus TI rack. Allthough in my case I would prefer the Korg M3 as workstation also for the Karma functionality (allthoug I do admit that Korg's M3 soundengine is propably not as advanced as Kurzweil's... )
Anyway, there's really fantastic gear out there, that's for sure ! :)

And like they say in french: 'Des gouts et des couleurs on ne discutte pas'. I don't think you can go wrong with either the Pc3, Virus TI and Modular G2. All three belong to the top synths of this time...
