Kara-Moon Forum

Developers & Technology => Hardware => Topic started by: Moon on July 13, 2014, 04:45:06 PM

Title: Putting a new DAW together
Post by: Moon on July 13, 2014, 04:45:06 PM
I'm putting a new DAW together. My old one was based on a dual CPU setup. Not a bad PC, but a very hungerfull one: iddle +/- 325 watts  >:( ALso I ran into problems with the old one: audio hickups due to bad dhcp latency... and I never found out why  ???

So time for a new one.

In search of a stable and performant platform without breaking the bank, I ended up with this combination:

- ASUS Z97-Deluxe (the newest chipset with plenty features !)
- Intell 4790K (4Ghz !)
- 16GB Kingston (2400Mhz memory)
- Plextor M.2 of 512GB as boot drive (700MB/sec read speed)

The combination seems to be working wonderfull.

The ASUS overclocking features runs the processor at 4.4 Ghz (4.6 in turbo mode), all under a combined power consumption of around 65 Watts... which I found amazing.

The CPU is currently cooled with the Intell stock coolor (at around 45 celcius degrees).

Fine combination !  8)

Up until know, rock stable and blistering fast.

I still need to treat the case with acoustical foam. I'll replace the stock cooler with a more silent one. The PSU will be changed too (comes from an older PC which currently has no current) and I'll install a quiet 12 intake fan. Also, the old combo DVD seems te be malfunctioning. Still some work to do. This will be a fine DAW !  :-


Title: Re: Putting a new DAW together
Post by: elwoodblues91 on July 13, 2014, 10:05:09 PM
Very impressive set up...meaty & well rounded!

Recently,I was looking at a CyberPower computer and Walmart gives you the option of choosing your own components for personalized customization!
The last CyberPower PC I had,contained a very noisy cooling fan...but apart from that,it was a great piece of gear.My current HP computer is wonderfully quiet!

This is the model I was looking at(but with different options than what is displayed on this particular product page;


It looks like a PC that was manufactured on the planet of Romulus!

Title: Re: Putting a new DAW together
Post by: Oren on July 29, 2014, 09:40:31 PM
Hey - great idea - I've never heard of treating a computer case with acoustic foam! :o

Very sweet desktop computer you have designed/assembled there  :-