Kara-Moon Forum

Developers & Technology => Musical MIDI Accompaniment (MMA) => Topic started by: bvdp on January 18, 2023, 06:38:56 PM

Title: Rpitch
Post by: bvdp on January 18, 2023, 06:38:56 PM
A "beats" option has been added to the RPITCH command. This simple addition makes it very useful! You will need mma 21.09.3 or better to try this ... I have the example file listed here, but the original is in the source tree in egs/rpitch. Read the comments for justifications :)

/// A very simple RPitch demo for making an otherwise
/// boring 1/5 bass pattern a bit more exciting

/// This is the pattern we'll be using for all the examples

Mset Pattern
z   /// this is here to signal the end of the pattern

Include stdpats

Tempo  100
Keysig C

Begin Bass
Voice FretlessBass
Sequence B1234     /// a 1,5,1,5 pattern
Octave 3
RPitch Scale=Scale Offsets=-2,-2,3 Rate=50 Beats=2,4  /// adjust bars 2 and 4

/// Important values in the RPITCH setting:
///   Scale ... we are using the SCALE associated with the given CHORD
///   Offsets ... offsets apply to the "distance" between the "normal"
///     note and permitted random values. So, in this example the 5th
///     of a C (major) chord is G. The "-2" is an E and "3" is another
///     C in the next octave.
///   Rate ... 50% of the time we do this, 50% we leave things alone
///   Beats ... ONLY do this if on beat 2 or 4.

Print Simple example, Bass Rpitch is: $_Bass_Rpitch


/// Now, to modify an existing groove. Let's use

Groove Bossanova
Bass Rpitch Scale=Scale Offsets=-2,-2,-2,-1,-4 Rate=80 Beats=2,4

Print Bossanova try, Bass Rpitch is: $_Bass_Rpitch


Now, isn't that fun!

Title: Re: Rpitch
Post by: sciurius on January 19, 2023, 08:46:54 AM

Title: Re: Rpitch
Post by: bvdp on January 19, 2023, 05:40:18 PM
I hope it is more than just "cute" :)

The addition of the BEATS option came about because a user requested that we needed "something" for cases, like bossa and samba, jazzy-like songs where the bass hit "alternate" notes in an unpredictable pattern. Having different sequences called randomly would work, but this is much easier. Just don't overuse it.