When I became aware of the open-source phenomenon, and the community of resourceful individuals who develop/support the software

, Ogg Vorbis was one of the first items that caught my attention. Because the concept of a constantly evolving array of software tools developed "by musicians for musicians" in a freely interactive setting suits my personal inclinations, I tend to promote the idea, and support its continued activity.
The question of whether Ogg Vorbis is better or inferior to MP3 has been examined by a lot of capable audio enthusiasts, with no definitive conclusion reached, partly due to the fact that there are several versions of MP3 (Fraunhofer, LAME, etc.) and also due to the fact that Ogg Vorbis is in a constant state of development.
To my ear, they are just different, and it's a matter of personal taste which one suits the listener. In North America, we are more accustomed to MP3, so it would likely sound "better" to us. Europeans, with more exposure to Ogg Vorbis, would be inclined to prefer its particular qualities.
My own position is that I'll support/promote the Ogg Vorbis format whenever possible, with the idea in mind that with continued support, it will gradually evolve to the point where it will provide a demonstrably superior listening experience.
(and Thom, I use the LAME codecs for both MP3 and Ogg Vorbis encoding/decoding)