.. of doing a project with one of you guys?

been a long time since i've contributed to the community, and i feel like i've been forgotten. i've been here from the start!

i have a project going with oren and the blue muthers. mr oren fisher mainly i guess, and the kickass harmonica player tom E are going to do something with my lil happy piano arp beat piece 'lé piano'. .. i dunno what exactly, but i rekon they'll overdub and maybe remix my mixdown like they did with my 'graty green' groove, better known as 'Some kind of blue' from the 'RESPECT' album, which on the did a great job! i'm proud to have the theme for on that track. Thank you guys

oi, also. mario D man. i wanna do something with you. remember the jazzy beat i did some months ago where you put on some guitar? i think we can make a kickass tune there. i need to do some work on it tho, .. the beat is ... well. it doesn't sound that great.... hm .. flow. groove. uhm. yehr. but i want to do some jazz-break thing. i'm thinking some acoustic rythm guitar, jazzy breaks. and vocals. what ya think?
anyway .. this post goes out to the all of you. if you want to know somewhat what i do .. check out
http://soundcloud.com/mlit/ and
http://www.reverbnation.com/mlit/. more tracks on the reverbnation one.
puff puff pass!