As the one who was putting these together .....
I don't really know what happened

After the last published issue I think there was a bit of a 'holiday' period where members didn't have much time to supply articles ..... things sort of 'disappeared' after that.
That's how it seemed to me. I didn't remember an actual decision to discontinue. I forgot all about it along with everyone else.
If anyone wants to resurrect the magazine I can still find some time available to piece things together.

As busy as you have been, I applaud your willingness.

(I believe I already sent you part 2 of the noise reduction article last summer, didn't I?)
In re-reading these today, I was taken by the level of quality of the production, as well as the expertise of the content. I was impressed all over again. I think this project speaks highly of us, or I wouldn't have mentioned it.
Maybe it didn't get the exposure it deserved. At least speaking for myself I don't remember promoting it enough to remember promoting it. (Those of you with a memory like mine will understand that sentence perfectly).

I realize it is a lot of work though, and everyone has to feel like it wouldn't overburden them. In that regard, this may not be the best time of year for a startup..maybe after New Year? What do you think?
If this interests you, let's hear from you!
Enthusiasm is everything,

I am happy to help anyone out with writing and editing, in case that helps.
I also have a couple new ideas for articles. One of them is right under our noses.