There has been a lot of interest on the web recently about the potential for music produced at a lower pitch of A=432 Hz to stimulate positive physical and emotional change. According to the proponents, when your instruments are tuned to A=432Hz the frequency of each note in the 12 semi-tone scale resonates at a pitch that encourages beneficial physiological responses, and improves the mood of the audience.
Many of us don't have the capability to perform/produce music in this lower pitch, so some artists are re-pitching existing productions to A=432Hz by digitally lowering the pitch by 8 Hz, from A=440 down to A=432.
The cross-platform open source program "Audacity" - - features software that will accurately re-master an existing recording to the new pitch of your choice.
To re-pitch a production originally recorded at A=440Hz down to A=432Hz:
- open Audacity and turn the dithering function "off"
- Edit/Preferences/Quality - realtime and high-quality conversion - Dither - select "None" - hit the "OK" button
- click the "Effect" tab and select "Change Pitch Without Changing Tempo"
- Click on the "Down" button
- in the "Semitones" box, type in -0.318 ... you will see the "percent change" box adjust to -1.820
- hit the "OK" button
- click on the "File" tab and select "Export"
- tag it if you like, and hit "OK"
- name the "Export" file, and select the folder you want to export to
- select the audio file type (wave, ogg, mp3, etc.), and hit the "Save " button...done deal!

You can now import the new re-mastered file back into Audacity to listen to it.