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Author Topic: A collaboration in A=432 Hz  (Read 12400 times)
Kara-Moon Master
Posts: 5444

...just looking for clues...

« on: October 21, 2012, 12:17:34 AM »

Thom Sneddon has done some very atmospheric work with his video game soundtrack composition of late, and I asked him to contribute his choice of "episodes" toward an audio experiment. The goal is to re-sample his work and add some guitar performed in the lower tuning, for a growing audience of folk who want to try the A=432 Hz listening experience.
This is the result... in LAME VBR...

* Influence.mp3 (7288 KB - downloaded 638 times.)
« Last Edit: October 21, 2012, 12:22:31 AM by Oren » Logged

Kara-Moon Master
Posts: 2592

« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2012, 11:27:59 AM »

I got to say that, on so many levels, this is absolutely STUNNING  wOO

First off, and I am certain that it isn't imagination, I tend to 'feel' the A=432 in a composition. It is so subtle but it is a tangible element, in my opinion. I have followed your arguments, and applied them sometimes, since you first brought them to our notice a couple of years back.
Second, you can truly wring some of the sweetest tones out of that guitar, my friend. Wonderful.
Third, Thom's composition and the structure that he produces is absolutely world class.
What a totally awesome combination you guys make.

I must post this rider about Thom's video game marathon.
Without sounding churlish I have found that, after the first two (which I did try), I find that I can't watch them or make any sort of comment on either composition or musical aptitude as I have always had a real 'thing' about video games. It's my problem, I suppose, but I find that they annoy me so much that I can't bear to watch. I have never actually played one and know that I never could.
Silly, isn't it  Roll Eyes
Nothing at all to do with the music itself, or the staggering achievement.


Kara-Moon Master
Posts: 5398

Who? Me?

« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2012, 02:16:28 PM »

As James says, this is quite stunning. Very well done, both of you.

If you have a poem, I have a tune, and we exchange these, we can both have a poem, a tune, and a song.
- Will
Kara-Moon Master
Posts: 5444

...just looking for clues...

« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2012, 11:27:53 PM »

Thank you gentlemen!  Smiley

I don't have to tell you (but will, anyway Cheesy) that you have few peers in terms of artistic sensibility and technical skills. Your affirmations mean a great deal...

Kara-Moon Master
Posts: 4478

Studiophile,Audiophile & Synthophile.

« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2012, 11:33:31 PM »

I got to say that, on so many levels, this is absolutely STUNNING  wOO

Second, you can truly wring some of the sweetest tones out of that guitar, my friend. Wonderful.
Third, Thom's composition and the structure that he produces is absolutely world class.
What a totally awesome combination you guys make.

I must post this rider about Thom's video game marathon.
Without sounding churlish I have found that, after the first two (which I did try), I find that I can't watch them or make any sort of comment on either composition or musical aptitude as I have always had a real 'thing' about video games. It's my problem, I suppose, but I find that they annoy me so much that I can't bear to watch. I have never actually played one and know that I never could.
Silly, isn't it  Roll Eyes
Nothing at all to do with the music itself, or the staggering achievement.


Thanks very much for the generous accolades,much appreciated,friend. Smiley As for your disdain for video games...in a way,I understand..as some folks view the game-play as mental masturbation.
In another way,I can't completely fathom the resistance...which is to say that since you are an artist,I would think you may have some appreciation for the artwork that went into this particular game(at least for myself,I am overwhelmed by the depth & detail of this virtual world that was created) and moreover,I find it very fascinating to be able to interact with the artwork and manipulate the outcome of the story.
As any kid,I was hooked into video games way back when...but they're so arbitrary(as it were) & I outgrew those types of games.However though,video games these days are infused with a cinematic experience,in that they are story-driven and being a ardent film fan,I naturally took to them & gained a new interest in video games.

With regard to Oren's involvement,I am very grateful for his interest in my video game music,because he has infused his enormous talents to take my music into a whole new direction and it was amazing to hear how the mood of this song changed so radically! Cool
« Last Edit: October 24, 2012, 11:35:10 PM by elwoodblues1969 » Logged

Kara-Moon Master
Posts: 4478

Studiophile,Audiophile & Synthophile.

« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2012, 11:35:57 PM »

As James says, this is quite stunning. Very well done, both of you.

Thanks Will. Smiley

Kara-Moon Master
Posts: 2592

« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2012, 07:45:12 AM »

I hoped you wouldn't take me the wrong way on this subject, my friend. This is why I have never commented on your epic series of works.
It is my problem. OK. I really dislike animation of most kinds, excluding 'standard' cartoons, as well as most CGI and Animee. I have to admit that I am not a great movie lover, much preferring the written word. I have hardly ever seen a movie (of a book) that can match up to my own vision of the story, apart from the unforgettable Lord of the Rings, of course.
In saying all this I have to emphasise that this in no way detracts from your absolutely stellar talent in musical composition and performance. Judging from the couple of episodes of your epic that I did watch you should really be in this game professionally. You are just SO good at it. I'm certain that if you could pitch to the right companies you would have a job for life.
Keep it up, mate  wOO


Sr. Member
Posts: 401

« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2012, 12:58:34 PM »

je rejoins James sur les jeux vidéos, moi aussi je ne suis pas fan, mais j'apprécie le travail bien fait. Thom, ne sois pas si susceptible, chacun a le droit de penser ce qu'il veut et on ne peut pas tous aimer les mêmes choses, heureusement, sinon le monde serait vraiment trop monotone. Continue à faire ce que tu fais le mieux, et, moi aussi, je te souhaite de trouver une entreprise qui verra ton extrème talent. Sois positif et ne te referme pas sur toi à ressasser de mauvaises pensées. Oui tu le peux.  Cheesy
Toute mon amitié man,
I agree with James on video games, I also am not a fan, but I appreciate a job well done. Thom, do not be so touchy, everyone has the right to think what he wants and we can not all love the same things, fortunately, otherwise the world would be too monotonous. Continue to do what you do best, and I also hope you find a company that will be your extreme talent. Be positive and do not close on you to dwell on bad thoughts. Yes you can.  Cheesy
Much love man,

Kara pour toujours
Kara-Moon Master
Posts: 4478

Studiophile,Audiophile & Synthophile.

« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2012, 04:08:41 PM »

je rejoins James sur les jeux vidéos, moi aussi je ne suis pas fan, mais j'apprécie le travail bien fait. Thom, ne sois pas si susceptible, chacun a le droit de penser ce qu'il veut et on ne peut pas tous aimer les mêmes choses, heureusement, sinon le monde serait vraiment trop monotone. Continue à faire ce que tu fais le mieux, et, moi aussi, je te souhaite de trouver une entreprise qui verra ton extrème talent. Sois positif et ne te referme pas sur toi à ressasser de mauvaises pensées. Oui tu le peux.  Cheesy
Toute mon amitié man,
I agree with James on video games, I also am not a fan, but I appreciate a job well done. Thom, do not be so touchy, everyone has the right to think what he wants and we can not all love the same things, fortunately, otherwise the world would be too monotonous. Continue to do what you do best, and I also hope you find a company that will be your extreme talent. Be positive and do not close on you to dwell on bad thoughts. Yes you can.  Cheesy
Much love man,


You misunderstood my reply to James,as I am not upset at all...but just engaging in a discussion to try and understand his point of view in a more detailed manner.
I completely understand why James does not want to play video games and why he doesn't like them in general,but what I don't understand,is why he so resistant to them...to the level where he cannot tolerate watching a music video.
That is to say,why does the video portion completely ruin his listening enjoyment of my music...to the point where he won't even bother with my music at all,just because of the video?
I mean...there is the option of listening to the music without watching the video,because if the viewer wants to focus just on the music and provide feedback on only the music and not the video,then that's perfectly fine with me.
I certainly don't want to make anyone feel obligated to offer feedback on both the video and music....but I find it odd that it requires the absence of video,in order for me to receive feedback on my music.
I know that the long length of these songs can be become boring and lately,I have gone way beyond my usual length and a song that is nearly 10 minutes is a bit taxing,if one is in a hurry.

James can be a bit difficult to comprehend at times,as we are very different in some ways,but nonetheless,he is a lovely person and a  friend and I respect his opinions..even though I don't always quite fathom them..exactly.

I thought perhaps,that him being an artist,he might appreciate the artwork that went into the video game(that is to say,specifically the software developers of the game,not my edits of it)...but it's not important.

Thanks for your comments & input,

-Thom  Smiley


Vous avez mal compris ma réponse à James, que je ne suis pas dérangé du tout ... mais juste s'engager dans une discussion pour essayer de comprendre son point de vue d'une manière plus détaillée.
Je comprends parfaitement pourquoi James ne veut pas jouer à des jeux vidéo et pourquoi il ne les aime pas en général, mais ce que je ne comprends pas, c'est pourquoi il si résistant pour eux ... au niveau où il ne peut pas tolérer en regardant un vidéo de musique.
C'est-à-dire, pourquoi ne la partie vidéo complètement ruiner son plaisir d'écoute de ma musique ... au point où il n'est même pas avec ma musique du tout, juste à cause de la vidéo?
Je veux dire ... il ya la possibilité d'écouter de la musique sans regarder la vidéo, parce que si le spectateur veut se concentrer uniquement sur la musique et des commentaires sur la musique et ne pas la vidéo, alors que c'est tout à fait correct avec moi.
Je ne veux certainement pas faire n'importe qui se sentent obligés d'offrir des commentaires sur la vidéo et la musique .... mais je trouve bizarre que l'exige l'absence de vidéo, pour que je puisse recevoir des commentaires sur ma musique.
Je sais que la grande longueur de ces chansons peuvent être devenir ennuyeux et ces derniers temps, je suis allé bien au-delà ma longueur habituelle et une chanson qui est près de 10 minutes est un peu pénible, si l'on est pressé.

James peut être un peu difficile à comprendre parfois, comme nous sommes très différents à certains égards, mais néanmoins, il est une personne adorable et un ami et je respecte ses opinions .. même si je n'ai pas toujours tout à fait les sonder .. exactement.

Je pensais que peut-être que lui d'être un artiste, il pourrait apprécier l'œuvre d'art qui est entré dans le jeu vidéo (c'est-à-dire, en particulier les développeurs de logiciels du jeu, et non pas mes modifications de celui-ci) ... mais ce n'est pas important.

Merci pour vos commentaires et d'entrée,


Sr. Member
Posts: 401

« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2012, 08:58:15 PM »

ok Thom, je n'ai pas pris le temps de lire tous les posts. Je suis rassurée. Surtout continue ce que tu sais faire de mieux, même si je ne poste pas souvent sur tes compositions, je les écoutent aussi, et c'est bien. Bonne chance. Azell
Thom ok, I have not taken the time to read all the posts. I am reassured. Above all continue what you do best, even if I do not post often on your compositions, I listen too, and that's fine. Good luck. Azell  Kiss

Kara pour toujours
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