I'm completely new to MMA and unfortunately the first song I tried to generate an accompaniment for is in 6/8, involving chord changes on the 5th and 6th of the 8s in a bar. This is my attempt at the first few bars of Me and Mrs Jones:
Tempo 180
Time 6 Tabs=1,2,3,4,5,6
Groove ballad68
1 C9
2 F9
3 C9
4 F9
5 Em7 / / / / Ebm7
6 Dm7
This fails:
Error: <Line 8> <File:jones.mma> Too many chords specified in line. Max is 4. For more chords use @
notation or change TIME TABS.
I've also tried writing bar 5 as
5 Em7 Ebm7@6
which also fails:
Error: <Line 8> <File:jones.mma> Beat after @ must be less than 5.0, not '6.0'.
It sort of looks like the Time directive is being ignored. Am I missing something?