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Kara-Moon Songs  
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1.Notre Bon Ami - Oren Thomas Fisher 2011-08-18 20:26:13
Some drum loops from the creative folks at Looperman.com, my own homegrown electric bass, vocals and guitar, and some choice keyboard action from our own Thom Sneddon. This song is a tribute to Kara, our co-founder and artistic inspiration at Kara-Moon. It will be part of the tribute album we\\\'re now producing. Encoded in LAME VBR. Mastered in A=432Hz for maximium emotional impact.
Direct link: http://www.kara-moon.com/index.php?play_song_id=4968

2.Industrial Complexity - Oren Thomas Fisher 2011-07-29 00:55:45
Tim Billstrom, a computer music genius, created a track loosely based on the \"industrial\" style of production. It resonated for me, and I asked his permission to add some guitar, and re-master in A=432 Hz. This is an example of a collaboration that works, bigtime. Thank you, Tim!
Direct link: http://www.kara-moon.com/index.php?play_song_id=4966

3.Project Slavik - Leichnahm - the deafen 2011-07-21 21:38:44
2nd track for the same guy
Direct link: http://www.kara-moon.com/index.php?play_song_id=4965

4.G-Mo - Tommy Cole 2011-07-05 14:43:11
Steely Dan-ish instrumental me on guitar. First song I ever recorded using Biab. C_MODERN demo song made by PG Music
Direct link: http://www.kara-moon.com/index.php?play_song_id=4955

5.Natural Funk - Tommy Cole 2011-07-05 14:36:48
Instrumental using Biab me on guitar.
Direct link: http://www.kara-moon.com/index.php?play_song_id=4963

6.Smooth Rider - Tommy Cole 2011-07-05 14:32:08
Instrumental using loops that came with Pro Tools ,me on guitar.
Direct link: http://www.kara-moon.com/index.php?play_song_id=4962

7.Nasty Jay - Tommy Cole 2011-07-05 14:25:22
Instrumental using Biab me on guitar.
Direct link: http://www.kara-moon.com/index.php?play_song_id=4961

8.On Again Off Again - Tommy Cole 2011-07-05 14:21:54
Instrumental using Biab me on guitar .
Direct link: http://www.kara-moon.com/index.php?play_song_id=4960

9.Nuthin But You - Tommy Cole 2011-07-05 14:09:21
Blues using Biab me singing and guitars
Direct link: http://www.kara-moon.com/index.php?play_song_id=4959

10.X-Tasy Train - Tommy Cole 2011-07-05 14:05:17
Instrumental using Biab me on guitar .
Direct link: http://www.kara-moon.com/index.php?play_song_id=4958

11.Dream in the Color Blue - Tommy Cole 2011-07-05 14:01:33
Instrumental using Biab with me on guitar.
Direct link: http://www.kara-moon.com/index.php?play_song_id=4957

12.Blues @ 4am - Tommy Cole 2011-07-05 13:25:18
Instrumental made with Biab and me on guitar .
Direct link: http://www.kara-moon.com/index.php?play_song_id=4956

13.Valaji Var - Gokul Salvadi 2011-06-16 21:23:13
Traditional style Indian composition.
Direct link: http://www.kara-moon.com/index.php?play_song_id=4954

14.No Real Complications - Oren Thomas Fisher 2011-06-09 19:59:54
I submitted this song in basic form to the \"Kara-Moon Spring 2011 Review\", our themed quarterly songwriting/production initiative, asking for collaborators to complete the production. The theme for this quarter was \"who we are\". Peter(NeoN) from Greece contributed a synthesizer track of \"pads\" to flesh out the background, and Thom(elwoodblues1969) from New Jersey produced a bass track, a keyboard track, and a percussion track. Pitched at A=432Hz...
Direct link: http://www.kara-moon.com/index.php?play_song_id=4952

15.Demain dès l\'aube (Victor Hugo) - Daniel Pompougnac 2011-04-25 13:25:59
Demain, dès l\'aube, à l\'heure où blanchit la campagne, Je partirai. Vois-tu, je sais que tu m\'attends. J\'irai par la forêt, j\'irai par la montagne. Je ne puis demeurer loin de toi plus longtemps. Je marcherai les yeux fixés sur mes pensées, Sans rien voir au dehors, sans entendre aucun bruit, Seul, inconnu, le dos courbé, les mains croisées, Triste, et le jour pour moi sera comme la nuit. Je ne regarderai ni l\'or du soir qui tombe, Ni les voiles au loin descendant vers Harfleur, Et quand j\'arriverai, je mettrai sur ta tombe Un bouquet de houx vert et de bruyère en fleur. Tomorrow at Dawn from: Contemplations Translated by: Henry Carrington Tomorrow morn, what time the fields grow white, I shall set off; I know you look for me, Across the forest\'s gloom, the mountain height: I can no longer dwell away from thee. I\'ll walk with eyes upon my thoughts intent, Hearing no outer noise, seeing no sight; Alone, unknown, hands clasped, and earthward bent, Sad, and the day for me shall be as night. On evening\'s golden hues I shall not gaze, Nor on the vessels that to Harfleur come; But my quest o\'er, upon thy grave shall place A wreath of holly green, and heather bloom. 3rd September 1847
Direct link: http://www.kara-moon.com/index.php?play_song_id=4950

16.Le dormeur du val (poème d\'Arthur Rimba - Daniel Pompougnac 2011-04-25 13:23:49
The sleeper in the valley Arthur Rimbaud (Traduction Gilles de Sèze) It is a green hollow where a stream gurgles Crazily catching from grasses rags Of silvery; where the sun, from the proud mountain, Shines: it is a little valley bubbling over with lights. A young soldier, with his mouth open, uncovered head, With the nape of his neck bathing in the cool blue cresses, Is sleeping; he is stretched out on the grass, under the skies, Pale in his green bed where light is raining. His feet in wild gladiolas, he is sleeping. Smiling as A sick child would smile, he is having a nap: Cradle him warmly, Nature : he is cold. No perfume makes his nostrils quivering; He sleeps in the sun, his hand on his breast At peace. There are two red holes in his right side. Le dormeur du val Arthur Rimbaud C\'est un trou de verdure où chante une rivière Accrochant follement aux herbes des haillons D\'argent; où le soleil, de la montagne fière, Luit: c\'est un petit val qui mousse de rayons. Un soldat jeune, bouche ouverte, tête nue, Et la nuque baignant dans le frais cresson bleu, Dort, il est étendu dans l\'herbe, sous la nue, Pâle dans son lit vert où la lumière pleut. Les pieds dans les glaïeuls, il dort. Souriant comme Sourirait un enfant malade, il fait un somme: Nature, berce-le chaudement: il a froid. Les parfums ne font pas frissonner sa narine, Il dort dans le soleil, la main sur sa poitrine Tranquille.Il a deux trous rouges au côté droit.
Direct link: http://www.kara-moon.com/index.php?play_song_id=4949

17.La banquise était un miroir - Daniel Pompougnac 2011-04-25 13:20:27
En 2060, la banquise ne sera plus qu\'un souvenir.... 2060 : the ice-floe has dispeared. No comments....
Direct link: http://www.kara-moon.com/index.php?play_song_id=4948

18.Gouttes - Daniel Pompougnac 2011-04-25 13:18:35
Un morceau lancé vers tous ceux qui décident un jour de se tuer pour un ailleurs qu\\\'ils pensent moins douloureux... You\\\'re gone. You. And you. Where are you, now ?
Direct link: http://www.kara-moon.com/index.php?play_song_id=4947

19.C\'est pas normal - Daniel Pompougnac 2011-04-25 11:49:11
Ça me gave, ça me met hors de moi qu\'il y ait des familles entières obligées de se mettre dans des files d\'attente d\'associations caritatives pour avoir un peu de quoi bouffer. C\'est pas normal, si eux en ont si peu, c\'est clair, d\'autres en ont donc trop pris. Et on n\'a qu\'une vie. La morceau, au-delà du thème abordé est un pari musical entre Edouard (excellent bassiste girondin ami) et moi. Il fallait uniquement se servir d\'une basse et de ma voix. Edouard a donc créé la ligne de basse. It\'s not normal circumstances if people without money must beg for some food in the streets or about charitable organizations. Some guys have too much money. Too much. This song is a musical bet. Only a bass (Edouard, friend of mine) and me (singer). Edouard has composed the bass line.
Direct link: http://www.kara-moon.com/index.php?play_song_id=4945

20.Les baleines rêvent aussi - Daniel Pompougnac 2011-04-25 11:47:32
Sans commentaire... Les baleines rêvent aussi. Qu\'elles en profitent car la chasse à la baleine reprend à fond dans certains pays. No comment... Whales also dream. Nice. But whale\'s hunting is now growing up in many regions of the world.
Direct link: http://www.kara-moon.com/index.php?play_song_id=4944



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